Sunday, January 25, 2009

it's my life

I guess I can't blame it on oakland. I've always been lonely. Always, always, always. I'm aware that I'm making those choices, that I am the reason that I'm alone, but yet I can't break the pattern. Or maybe I'm not even lonely, but I feel lonely after looking at craigslist over and fucking over again, even when I fucking banned myself from that pointless shit! Aahhhh! My days off rarely ending up being the bliss that I imagine they will be when I'm at work. It's always the same what do I do with myself question. So many things I could/should be doing but I usually get nowhere. Today's accomplishments: removed year old lube stains from chair (yes!), hand washed the hand wash only blanket I got from ikea nine months ago but never washed and never used, got a set of dishes at goodwill for $3.99, enjoyed my walk and the scenery of oakland on my way, appreciated the sun even though I was too hot in my wool sweater, did my laundry, worked on carpet stains, finished reading Memories That Smell Like Gasoline, started reading The Child, cooked lentils, walked half-way around lake merritt, good neighbor interactions. Regrets: spent too much time looking at craigslist, checking e-mail hoping someone would want to hook up, called arthur that married guy who I don't even really like, that's how desperate I felt, didn't introduce myself to that guy who lives down the street who I've made eye contact with a couple of times and who seems interested in me and I don't know if I'm intested in him but he seems interesting. I did say hi though which is a step for me. I regret that I didn't read more enjoy more feel more happy feel more involved or why couldn't I do something meaningful whatever that means but my life has no pattern it's all mixed up and scatted and patched together. But oakland is lonely for me, so quiet, but I love it to I love for it's shabby desolation filled with so many surprises. The light at dusk turning the lake pink. In san francisco it's loneliness mixed with endless arrays of people who I don't want to see which could be even more lonely… m. called, can't plan for the movie because she never knows how exhausted she'll be but she is doing a book reading tomorrow curated by m.t. sounds like I should definitely go but I feel like I don't want to because of all the social stuff which is of course exactly why I should so maybe I'll just force myself …I will I must it's my life

1 comment:

  1. Hey, relax! Remember that you don't need to accomplish anything in life. There is absolutely no such requirement. Every human being is valuable just because he was born and exists. As far as I am concerned, you are a million times more valuable person than, for example, ex-pres. Bush who would be better off never being born. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that you are a nice, intelligent, kind person who should not have any trouble meeting the right kind of people. Maybe you are looking in all the wrong places? I think if you volunteer for an openly gay political candidate or join a gay political club or a gay book discussion group, you will have a better chance of meeting guys of your liking than browsing through Craigslist. A great person like you should never feel lonely.
